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We Are

A sound solution created for you

The Beginning

Founded in 2020 by Umar Valu AKA Umar Salaams, a lifelong musician who started creating music at the age of 7. Inspired by experiences in music and film production and his grandad who was a well known musician in Kenya. Umar set out to create a platform that provides halal soundtracks for content creators. From humble beginnings, Halal Beats has grown into an empire that offers a wide range of vocal-only soundtracks to inspire your creativity.

Who we are?

We are a group of individuals who have come from working in the mainstream music & film industry to provide a solution for Muslim content creators & businesses. We have produced a music library of high-quality vocal-only beats and soundtracks, which give a similar vibe to mainstream music.

Why us?

We all know content made using good sound makes a huge difference to the production, defining the overall mood and tone. We also know that using vocal-based soundtracks increases the coverage of the content, which is why Halal Beats offers a range of vocal-based soundtracks to cover most audience beliefs on music compared to soundtracks that use musical instruments.

Our Mission

Halal Beats is the world’s first and leading vocal-based sound solution, made for anyone and everyone to use regardless of their beliefs. We aim to help make it easier for Muslims to create and use content with our vocal-based soundtracks.

The beginning

Founded in 2020 by Umar Valu AKA Umar Salaams, a lifelong musician who started creating music at the age of 7. Inspired by experiences in music and film production and his grandad who was a well known musician in Kenya. Umar set out to create a platform that provides halal soundtracks for content creators. From humble beginnings, Halal Beats has grown into an empire that offers a wide range of vocal-only soundtracks to inspire your creativity.


Who we are?

We are a group of individuals who have come from working in the mainstream music & film industry to provide a solution for Muslim content creators & businesses. We have produced a music library of high-quality vocal-only beats and soundtracks, which give a similar vibe to mainstream music.


Why Us?

We all know content made using good sound makes a huge difference to the production, defining the overall mood and tone. We also know that using vocal-based soundtracks increases the coverage of the content, which is why Halal Beats offers a range of vocal-based soundtracks to cover most audience beliefs on music compared to soundtracks that use musical instruments.


Our Mission

Halal Beats is the world's first and leading vocal-based sound solution, made for anyone and everyone to use regardless of their beliefs. We aim to help make it easier for Muslims to create and use content with our vocal-based soundtracks.


We offer two variations of the same beat…

Vocals only

We provide an extensive selection of vocal-type soundtracks to cater to all audiences and customers. Our range includes mixed (female and male) vocals, as well as tracks with exclusively only male or only female vocals, to offer diverse options for different types of events such as female or male-only events & content. We use a range of different pitch variable vocals from all around the world. Such as vocals recorded in-house, vocal samples, vocal synths and vocal pads.​

Vocals & Drum

Our ‘Vocal & Drum’ soundtracks feature a traditional frame drum called a ‘Daf,’ which we record in-house.

These tracks are specifically designed to be used at events that celebrate diversity and cultural traditions, such as religious events like Eid celebrations, cultural events like weddings or festivals, and community events such as charity fundraisers or gatherings.

Have General Questions?

The term “synth” is short for “synthesizer,” which, in the context of music production, refers to an electronic device or software that generates and manipulates the vocal sounds. It’s important to note that in our case, the term “vocal synth” specifically signifies a synthesizer that operates on vocal recordings.

Here are a few points to help clarify the nature of vocal synths and their alignment with the use of vocals in our productions:

  • 100% Purely Vocals: Vocal synths are designed to work exclusively with vocal recordings. Unlike traditional synthesizers that may emulate various instruments, vocal synths focus solely on manipulating human voice recordings. This means that the fundamental building blocks of our music are indeed vocal in nature.
  • Voice Manipulation: Vocal synthesis involves the manipulation of recorded vocal elements to create different sounds, tones, and notes. It is akin to the process of tuning one’s voice or singing in various pitches, with the added benefit of electronic enhancements for artistic expression.
  • Artistic Enhancement: The use of vocal synths allows us to explore creative possibilities while staying true to the purity of vocals. It’s a tool that enables us to craft unique melodies and textures by working exclusively with vocal elements.
  • Respect for Islamic Principles: Our intention is to produce music that adheres to Islamic principles. By using vocal synths, we aim to create a musical experience that respects the prohibition of traditional musical instruments while embracing technological innovations that revolve around the human voice.
  • Vocal synth software: We use vocal synth software that relies exclusively on 100% genuine recorded vocals, ensuring that the musical elements are created by real human artists and not generated by artificial instruments. This commitment reflects our respect for the diverse values of our audience, providing a genuine and inclusive musical experience.

More details about ‘Vocal Synths’: When recording vocals with a microphone, we often enhance the audio for better quality, a common practice across different genres, including nasheed songs and Quran recitations. In the world of melodies, vocals are carefully tuned, and we add effects like reverb and delays to improve the overall sound, creating a polished and pleasing listening experience.

Yes, we use vocal synths in some of our productions and in other productions we record use other record vocals and add effects such as reverb, delays, tuning..etc and the mixed and mastered. We hope this gives you a clearer idea of how we make music. Ultimately, the choice to use our tracks in your project is yours to make.

We provide an extensive selection of vocal type soundtracks to cater to all audiences and customers. Our range includes mixed (female and male) vocals, as well as tracks with exclusively male or female vocals, with the aim to offer diverse options for different types of events such as women-only events or sisters-only content.

To help you easily identify which soundtracks include female vocals, we have playlists in the menu option making it effortless for you to find and enjoy tracks with your chosen vocal type. This makes it easy for our customers to select their preferred vocal type.

It’s essential to note that the decision to use female vocals in halal music is ultimately up to you and your personal beliefs and values.

We respect and honor the diversity of our customers and aim to provide options that cater to different preferences.

We ensure all soundtracks are planned, designed and created based on vocals. We also offer variations of each soundtrack with the Daf (Frame Drum) recorded in-house. 

As Halal Beats is a brand, we take no responsibility for any religious views or decisions as choosing to use our products comes down to the individual and beliefs of what they follow and believe.

However, we will leave you to decide based on your personal choice!

If you’re unsure about vocal-only soundtracks, consult a knowledgeable Islamic scholar for personalized advice based on your beliefs. Seeking guidance from a qualified scholar is the best way to address questions about religious practices.


The worlds first and leading…

how it started...

In 2020, Halal Beats was launched, providing a much-needed vocal-only soundtrack solution for content creators, videographers, businesses, and anyone seeking such music. Since then, Halal Beats has rapidly gained popularity as a beloved brand known for its accessible and inspiring music options.


The founder of Halal Beats was invited to a worldwide national TV station to discuss and explain how Halal Beats took off from an idea to a fully running business serving over 300,000+ Muslim & non-muslim content creators worldwide.​

how it's going

Halal Beats has grown rapidly, serving millions of listeners and users worldwide. As a trusted brand and solution, it meets the needs of content creators, videographers, businesses, and music enthusiasts. By offering a diverse range of high-quality vocal-based soundtracks, Halal Beats has garnered a loyal following. The platform’s commitment to excellence and user-centric approach ensures its continuous evolution and impact in the music & media industry.
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